
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 03:45:35

China, a land of beauty and fascination, tempts adventurous travelers all over the world. She is a massive country, covering 6,000,000 square miles and spanning 60 longitudinal degrees. She has so infinite variety of people, enchanting natural landscape, brilliant history and culture and fascinating destinations that a visitor tends to be as bewildered as bewitched.

Full Country Name: The People's Republic of China

Area: 9,600,000 sq km
Population: 1.24 billion
Capital City: Beijing (pop 12 million)

People: Han Chinese (93%), plus Mongolian, Zhuang, Manchu and Uighur minorities

Language: Putonghua (Beijing dialect mandarin)
Religion: Officially atheist; Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism (no states available); Muslim (14 million), Christian (7 million)

Government: The National People's Congress
Head of State: Hu Jintao

China, a land of beauty and fascination, tempts adventurous travelers all